Help Builders understand your vision


Renovating a house is a big undertaking.

The renovation process can be complicated at times, and it's important to keep all parties involved in the loop.

That means communicating effectively with your Builder, Interior Designer and Architect during the planning stages on what you want, whilst understanding the cost implication of those wants.

To help you understand how your budget can stretch, it might be a good idea to go through a spend exercise with your interior designer to understand what your must have items are and how much you have to spend on them.


Let the builder know how you want your home to feel, how you want it to be laid out, and how you want it to look.

When it comes to home construction, your builder should be there every step of the way. But they’re not mind readers—they need you to communicate what you want.

Be specific. Don’t worry about the small details right now—you still have time to figure out those things later on in the project when they become relevant and you could appoint an interior designer to help.

Focus more on overall ideas and themes for your home, like:

-How do I want my home to feel? Do I want it cosy? Open and airy? Elegant or modern?

Whatever word or phrase best describes your desired ambiance, use this as a starting point for describing how you wish for people to feel when they enter your space. This can be particularly helpful if they are unfamiliar with the type of design style that resonates with you personally (i.e., if it's not common in their own homes).

-How do I want my house laid out?

If there are certain rooms that must remain private, make sure these are defined prior to construction so no one accidentally stumbles into them during construction time! You also may have preferences on where furniture should go within each room based on traffic flow or other factors unrelated only to aesthetics (how much light comes through windows). These kinds of details will ensure that everything goes smoothly once moving day arrives later down the line!

A good amount of technical explanation here would help, you can perhaps see it as a set of clear instructions which removes the risk of error in the building phase and further gives the builders the vision they need.

-How do I want to allocate the rooms?

This is a question that will help you determine whether or not to build an addition onto your existing home (if it already exists) or to start from scratch.